Images are not true representations of the actual color of the product, some are computer generated. Be sure to order samples to make sure the colors will work for you.
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Faux Wood Beams - 15 ft. Length & 4 in. Width
Update the aesthetic of your room by adding faux wood ceiling beams. You can get a natural stain to make sure it truly integrates with the rest of your room, or you can paint it any other color you choose. No matter what color calls out to you, you can use these faux beams to create a rustic, traditional, or contemporary design! Our faux wood beams are cast from natural wood beams with surface textures and wood-grain detail. Faux wood ceiling beam is designed to duplicate natural wood perfectly. Made from high-density polyurethane foam (HDF), this faux wood box beam ceiling is easy and inexpensive to install, so you won't need to hire a professional to get the job done. Since this ceiling beam is made from foam instead of wood, it is virtually maintenance-free, and you can use it for interior or exterior applications, so the design possibilities are endless. If you opt to use your faux wood box beam ceiling for interior use, you can get a fire-rated resin added during the production stage to ensure the safety of your faux wood beam.
Faux Wood Beams - Downloadable Catalog
Beam Add-ons
Beam Dimensions
The selected dimensions of all beams are the outside diameter dimensions. To calculate inside dimensions: Each wall of this beam is 1" thick, on a 3 sided beam deduct 2" from the width and 1" from a height. If you need a 4 sided box beam, deduct 2" from both the width and height to get inside measurements. Example: 10" H x 8" W 3-Sided Beam inside dims are 9" H x 6" W . On a 4-Sided beam ( for wrapping columns) this would come to 8" H x 6" W on inside dimensions for 10" H x 8" W.
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The majority of our items are shipped by ground service (FedEx, UPS), while beams and mantels longer than 8', or items that require pallets, are shipped by common carrier. Depending on the length and weight of the shipper and where the ship comes from, shipping costs can vary greatly.
We notify you when we have received confirmation that your order has shipped, usually by email after getting this confirmation from the factory. Common carriers usually take a few additional days to deliver compared to FedEx / UPS shipments. We will notify you when your shipment is coming to the delivery terminal of the freight company.
Damage happens from time to time, but it is rare. The shipment must be inspected carefully before being signed for. Your shipping confirmation will always include information about when you will receive your order. If you suspect a concealed damage, it is highly recommended that the packaging be opened prior to signing for the order.
Having signed the acknowledgement of receipt, you will be released from any further liability if damage is found after the fact.
The shipment may be rejected as a whole or only the damaged portion may be rejected. Please contact us immediately so we can reissue new copies. The driver must add a note that the shipment is damaged on the delivery receipt, and he must also sign the receipt if you discover it damaged, but choose to accept it anyway.
Any part of your order is damaged, please contact the shipping company to file a claim. The trucking company's inspector will need all damaged merchandise and packaging material. Contact us right away if you would like to reorder.
Even though the truck driver has already left and you signed for the package without looking at the product, you notice the damage after unpacking it. As it has been your responsibility since you signed for the load, we cannot process the claim on your behalf. For more information about contacting the carrier, feel free to contact us. This way, you can save all packaging materials and damaged merchandise for the trucking company's inspector.