Images are not true representations of the actual color of the product, some are computer generated. Be sure to order samples to make sure the colors will work for you.
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New Orleans MirroFlex wainscoting PVC panels are an innovative solution for creating a stunning look in the kitchen, bathroom, hallway, bedroom, and more. You can simply and easily install them yourself on the ceiling or walls. The versatility of the New Orleans MirroFlex wainscot is possible because of the lightweight PVC. The panels come in an ideal size of 30" x 48" and a thickness of 0.030 inches.
The thinness of the New Orleans wainscot product allows it to be easily affixed to any surface using only an adhesive. Compared to traditional metal wainscoting, this product is a major upgrade! Traditional metal products are heavy and often require bolts and nails to install, which severely limits where and how you use them. That also makes it harder, if not impossible, for the average person to work with them. MirroFlex products solve all these problems! Here are just a few of the places and ways you can use New Orleans Mirroflex wainscot:
For those concerned that the PVC may make the overall appearance of the New Orleans MirroFlex look fake, we assure you that the product looks very realistic and appears nearly identical to real metal wainscoting. With multiple color options available and built-in overlap to hide the seams, a finished install of this product looks exactly like real metal panels. Here are a few more of the specialty features we know you’ll love about the New Orleans MirroFlex product:
New Orleans MirroFlex wainscoting PVC panels are an innovative solution for creating a stunning look in the kitchen, bathroom, hallway, bedroom, and more. You can simply and easily install them yourself on the ceiling or walls. The versatility of the New Orleans MirroFlex wainscot is possible because of the lightweight PVC. The panels come in an ideal size of 30" x 48" and a thickness of 0.030 inches.
The thinness of the New Orleans wainscot product allows it to be easily affixed to any surface using only an adhesive. Compared to traditional metal wainscoting, this product is a major upgrade! Traditional metal products are heavy and often require bolts and nails to install, which severely limits where and how you use them. That also makes it harder, if not impossible, for the average person to work with them. MirroFlex products solve all these problems! Here are just a few of the places and ways you can use New Orleans Mirroflex wainscot:
For those concerned that the PVC may make the overall appearance of the New Orleans MirroFlex look fake, we assure you that the product looks very realistic and appears nearly identical to real metal wainscoting. With multiple color options available and built-in overlap to hide the seams, a finished install of this product looks exactly like real metal panels. Here are a few more of the specialty features we know you’ll love about the New Orleans MirroFlex product: