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If you have always dreamt of having natural wood corbels in your home, it’s both possible and easy with decorative corbels. These Doug fir faux wood corbels replicate the appearance of natural wood but are lightweight and easy to install.
Add some elegance to the interior and exterior appearance of your home with these decorative wood corbels. Once installed, these faux corbels look like they are made of natural Douglas fir wood. Because they are made with a urethane material, they are easier to install, more affordable, and actually more durable than real wood corbels. They are available in multiple finishes to fit your exact wants and preferences.
If you have always dreamt of having natural wood corbels in your home, it’s both possible and easy with decorative corbels. These Doug fir faux wood corbels replicate the appearance of natural wood but are lightweight and easy to install.
Add some elegance to the interior and exterior appearance of your home with these decorative wood corbels. Once installed, these faux corbels look like they are made of natural Douglas fir wood. Because they are made with a urethane material, they are easier to install, more affordable, and actually more durable than real wood corbels. They are available in multiple finishes to fit your exact wants and preferences.