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Bruno Glue-up Styrofoam Ceiling Tile 20 in x 20 in - #R115 - (Pack of 96) / 259 sqft
Bright, white, and modern, our R115 Bruno Styrofoam decorative ceiling tile will take you on a whimsical journey through a wonderland of bubbles. With a background of soft diagonal lines topped by several cute bubbles in a variety of sizes, this tile will make your ceiling look as if it's taking a bubble bath! Or perhaps as if you just sprayed it with a celebratory bottle of champagne! The R115 Bruno decorative ceiling tile is ideal for bathrooms, wet bars, pubs, restaurants, or any room that calls for a fun, contemporary look.
A La Maison - Downloadable Catalog
A La Maison and Crown Molding
Bruno Glue-up Styrofoam Ceiling Tile 20 in x 20 in - #R115 - (Pack of 96) / 259 sqft
Bright, white, and modern, our R115 Bruno Styrofoam decorative ceiling tile will take you on a whimsical journey through a wonderland of bubbles. With a background of soft diagonal lines topped by several cute bubbles in a variety of sizes, this tile will make your ceiling look as if it's taking a bubble bath! Or perhaps as if you just sprayed it with a celebratory bottle of champagne! The R115 Bruno decorative ceiling tile is ideal for bathrooms, wet bars, pubs, restaurants, or any room that calls for a fun, contemporary look.
A La Maison - Downloadable Catalog